Chelford Lapwing Lane (5.79 miles 9.27 km ) Print

A lovely ride with good off road stretches and quiet lanes. When the quarry is working the conveyor belts are noisy but this doesn't worry horses. Gates are normally open.
To see a Video of route, click here: midlifecrisis

Download:    Chelford Lapwing Lane.gpx   Chelford Lapwing Lane Waypoints.gpx

CHELw01 Waypoint 1
Continue to the end of the lane and turn left on a bridleway.
CHELw02 Waypoint 2
At the end of the bridleway turn right on the road.
CHELw03 Waypoint 3
Just before the road goes right 90 degrees, go left down the farm access. (Now an official bridleway)
CHELw04 Waypoint 4
Take the bridleway right after crossing the stream.
CHELw05 Waypoint 5
Pass a half timbered cottage and go between the hedge and the wood; don`t go into the field.
CHELw06 Waypoint 6
At the junction of tracks, turn right to a bridge and ford.
CHELw07 Waypoint 7
At the houses carry straight on, Woodside, to a T junction and turn right onto Siddington Bank.
CHELw08 Waypoint 8
Take the first road left.
CHELw09 Waypoint 9
Take the bridleway left and follow the right fork.
CHELw10 Waypoint 10
Road / Bridleway
At the road turn left then left again on the other leg of the bridleway.
CHELw11 Waypoint 11
When you get back to the road turn left onto Moss Lane.
CHELw12 Waypoint 12
Turn right on the next bridleway.
CHELw13 Waypoint 13
Turn left at the end of the bridleway onto Whisterfield Lane and right at the next road junction onto White Croft Heath Road.
CHELw14 Waypoint 14
At the junction of tracks turn right and straight on ignoring the cul de sac.
CHELw15 Waypoint 15
Just beforwe the road swings sharp left take the bridleway to the right.
CHELw16 Waypoint 16
Keep straight on by the fence to a gate, then cross the quarry track and over a wooden bridge, keeping straight ahead.
CHELw17 Waypoint 17
This track eventually bends left and then right into a wood.
CHELw18 Waypoint 18
Turn sharp right into the wood then bear left on a track to Lapwing Lane.
CHELw19 Waypoint 19
Lapwing Lane
Turn right and return to the parking area.